
Resident Spotlight

Written by Erin Erdahl | Dec 17, 2024 3:22:42 PM

Highlighting Community Members

We have an incredible community at the Pillars of Prospect Park!

Throughout the year, we like to highlight some of the individuals who make our community such a special place. Every person at the Pillars brings a unique perspective and helps make the community a more robust and dynamic place to be.

When we opened in 2020, the following set of questions were asked to learn more about our community members, and we’ve kept the tradition going. We also enjoy learning about each other through our weekly resident-led Pillars of Prospect Park Talks (PoPP Talks), our rotating resident art gallery and other programs created and/or led by residents. We are so grateful to learn from each other and for our residents who share their stories, interests and expertise with our community. 

In this edition of our resident spotlight, we highlight Peg Kavaney

1.  Where are you from?

I was born and lived in Milwaukee, WI until I left for college in 1959.

2.  Favorite place you’ve been? If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I did a trip around the world through St. Olaf College in 2001. It changed my life. The trip was the same as the students did except theirs was five months and ours was five weeks. It still lives with me today. Also did a three-week trip to Turkey, Israel, and Jordan. Including a journey into Ramallah. Came home with questions and no answers.

3. What do you consider your greatest accomplishments?

My mother was an advocate for social justice. Beyond that, she was an advocate for me in education and values. All of which she taught me, and I learned. I was able to bring this into my professional and personal life. My career began as a second-grade teacher. I told the kids that all of them would be readers by the end of the school year. And they were! And to my last career working in the areas of diversity, where stories of differences had an impact and learning curve for me.

4.  What are your favorite hobbies?

Theater, yoga, wordle, naps, hilarious laughter, cheerleading.

5.  If you could have dinner with three people, who would they be?

I would love to have Eleanor Roosevelt for dinner and invite my family. We could have rip roarin’ discussions, and of course much laughter.

6.  Anything to add? Include?

Thanks to the Pillars community for the care and spirit that is here.

Ending with an 8-year-old grandson sharing a moment:

Picking up Mikey from school. In the back seat, Mikey said: Grandma, I wish you were 60. Grandma: Why would you like that? Mikey: Then you could hear me.

Peg worked as a diversity consultant across the United States. A career where she learned life lessons from the participants. She led her interactive workshop twice for our Pillars community 2024 (pictured above) and hoping to offer one to our team members in 2025.